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Workplace Wellbeing Consultancy/Advice

Consultancy – Recruiting Mental Health Champions

We can help you understand and define exactly what role your volunteers will fulfil, as well as what skills they need to know and how will you recruit them?


  • Clarify what level of training your supporters need for the role you’ve defined
  • Are Mental Health First Aiders/Champions, or others like “Connect 5”ers the most appropriate

We can save thousands of pounds for clients by identifying this early and provide the training at discount rates if using our other services.

Consultancy -Supporting and monitoring Mental Health Champions/First Aiders

We can also help you to understand how will you monitor and maximise volunteer outputs and the impact of their role.

  • We have monitoring/reporting templates and resources
  • Support systems and advice to help you balance Mental Health/Wellbeing roles vs staff main roles, relationships with line managers, workload across the volunteer pool and common emerging wellbeing themes

Consultancy – other

We can also provide consultancy on all other themes contained on this site. Please contact us for more information.

Accreditations & Awards

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