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Management Team

Julie Parker

Havant and East Hants Mind


Maria Morrell

Co CEO Havant and East Hants Mind

  1. Responsible for setting the vision and strategic direction of the organisation
  2. Leads on charity governance, compliance, quality assurance and service provision
  3. Representing the charity and working with local leaders to ensure provision and services
  4. Championing mental health and acting as ambassadors for the charity
  5. Reporting to the board of trustees and responsible for all staff

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Maria’s LinkedIn page

Jody Phelvin

Co CEO Havant and East Hants Mind

  1. Responsible for setting the vision and strategic direction of the organisation
  2. Leads on charity governance, compliance, quality assurance and service provision
  3. Representing the charity and working with local leaders to ensure provision and services
  4. Championing mental health and acting as ambassadors for the charity
  5. Reporting to the board of trustees and responsible for all staff

Email: [email protected]


Ross Borman

Director of Business Development

  1. Diversifying HEH Mind’s service provision and income streams (including fundraising strategy) 
  2. Delivering change and improvement in partnerships and collaborations
  3. Project managing /design set up a range of commercial services and new contracts
  4. Developing HEH Mind to remain a robust and versatile charity for the future

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Ross’ LinkedIn page

Mel Stanford

Head of PCN and Family Services 

  1. Strategic Lead for all HEH Mind Family and Primary Care Services 
  2. Responsible for overseeing the delivery, safety, quality, data reporting and compliance of our Family and Primary Care Services 
  3. Identifying opportunities for partnership working and service development
  4. Designated Safeguarding Lead for the organisation 

Email: [email protected]


Mike Craft

Head of Communication and Community Engagement

  1. Responsible for communications, branding, marketing and promotion
  2. Lead for fundraising activities and collaborations
  3. Facilitate relationships with workplaces, sports clubs, education and community settings
  4. Deliver Community Training
  5. Lead for HEH Mind Ambassadors Project

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Mike’s LinkedIn page


Lucy Hart

Contract Lead for Adult Wellbeing and Adult Crisis Services

  1. Strategic Lead for all HEH Mind Adult Wellbeing and Crisis Services

  2. Responsible for overseeing the delivery, safety, quality, data reporting and compliance of our Adult Wellbeing Team and Adults’ Safe Haven

  3. Identifying opportunities for partnership working and service development
  4. Designated Safeguarding Officer and Employee Engagement and Wellbeing Lead

Email: [email protected]



Jenny Smith

Adult Wellbeing Manager

  1. Co-ordinate the Adult Wellbeing Service
  2. Work in partnership with other agencies to meet the wellbeing needs of the community
  3. Support staff and volunteers to deliver a high quality service
  4. Ensure safeguarding risks are being managed

Email: [email protected]


Annie Knight

Contract Manager (Children & Young People’s Services)

  1. Strategic Lead for HEH Mind’s Children & Young People’s (CYP) services 
  2. Responsible for overseeing the delivery, quality, data reporting and compliance of CYP Havant Safe Haven, Hampshire & IOW Crisis Line and CYP Wellbeing Service
  3. Developing provision to promote young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing
  4. Identifying opportunities for partnership working and service development
  5. Ensuring empowering young people is at the heart of the services we offer

Email: [email protected]


Anna Zakotti

Workplace Wellbeing and Training Manager

  1. Operational Lead for workplace training
  2. Quality assurance
  3. Bespoke workplace wellbeing support
  4. Consultancy and support with accreditation

Email: [email protected]

Accreditations & Awards

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