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Legacies – leaving money to Havant and East Hants Mind in your will

We are very grateful for the generosity of all our donors who help to fund our projects and help more people to have happier lives.

If you would like to leave a legacy to Havant and East Hants Mind you will need to give instructions to your solicitor and be specific that it is your local Havant and East Hants Mind charity that you want the money to go to using our registered charity number 1116301.

What should I do? – Legacies (a quick guide)

A legacy is a gift of money, property or possessions left in your will. If you decide to give to a charity, the gift is currently tax-free, so everything you leave will go towards the work of Havant and East Hants Mind.

Making or revising a will is important and we recommend you seek independent advice from of a solicitor or bank trust company.

There are 4 different types of legacies:

  1. A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a fixed sum of money. You can protect this type of gift from inflation by linking it to the Retail Price Index.
  2. A specific gift is a tangible item such as a house, piece of jewellery, silver teapot or car.
  3. A residuary legacy is a gift of the whole or a share of whatever remains of your estate after all other gifts have been distributed and any debts paid off.
  4. You can also ask people who care for you to make donations in your memory

If you need more information on how to write or leave us a legacy then please contact us on 02392 498916 and ask to speak the Business Manager or CEO .

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