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Family Wellbeing

About the Programmes

Supporting Families Programme

We are contracted by Hampshire County Council to offer intensive and non-intensive support under the Supporting Families Programme. Families are often trying to deal with more than one problem at a time. This can make it difficult for families to get the right help and support. The Supporting Families Programme is designed to make this easier. With this level of support, your Family Support Practitioner will visit you once a week to support you with a range of issues. We can liaise with school and other agencies to ensure you and your family get the specialist help needed

Team around the Family Meetings

Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings will happen approximately every 6 weeks for families under the Supporting Families Programme. You are encouraged to attend these meetings and your children are also welcome. These meetings are used to co-ordinate  support for you family and plan the next steps. To effectively do this, other agencies supporting your family will also attend these meetings.

Our Support

Our experienced team of Family Support Practitioners can work with your family for up to six months on a range of issues, with a key focus to improve mental health and wellbeing. The support involves regular home visits, working with the whole family, signposting, team around the family meetings and liaising with key agencies.

To encourage positive mental health & wellbeing we support families to

  • Increase emotional coping skills
  • Improve practical living skills
  • Build self-confidence and resilience
  • Become stronger, and more independent
  • Improve physical & mental wellbeing
  • Improve social networks and support
  • Engage peer support
  • Build parenting techniques and strategies


Home visits allow you and your Family Support Practitioner to talk things through and work out the best way to support your family. These visit may also be used to support you in filling out forms, managing debt or making phone calls to agencies. Your Family Support Practitioner may also go into school to support your child if you are happy with this.

Other Agencies

To help you access specialist support for your family, you may be signposted to other organisations to better support you and your family’s needs. For example: School Nurse Team, Stop Domestic Abuse (formerly SDAS) or CAMHS.

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9.00 am—4.30 pm

Friday: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Outside of these hours, please leave a message on our answer phone: 02392 498916

Accreditations & Awards

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