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Bitesize Sessions

Below is list of the Bitesize Sessions we deliver regularly for a wide range of clients and sectors. We can tailor these sessions to meet the needs of your setting, and create new content/subjects upon request. These sessions are available face to face or online. Note we have delivered these sessions to up to 500 people at a time online.


Reduced numbers allows greater interactivity but this also is limited by the duration. Our standard Bitesize Sessions are usually 45-60 mins including Q&A.

We recommend Bitesize Sessions for communication with larger workforces, identifying support/interest for more detailed training or as an easily digestible bitesize development programme for staff.

Course name: Supportive Conversations for Line Managers

For: Managers 

A short introductory course to help managers identify issues and support staff with their health and wellbeing in the workplace.

  • What is Mental Health and why is it important to address Mental Health in the workplace​
  • What signs could be noticed when there are changes in the wellbeing of a staff member​ 
  • What can line managers do to support staff if they spot these signs ​ 
  • How to initiate and conduct supportive conversations 
  • What support is available from HCC for managers and staff ​ 

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Course name: Sleep/Fatigue/Anxiety 

For: All Staff or volunteers

A short introductory course to understand, sleep and how it can affect health and wellbeing, as well as the potential effect of anxiety on our sleep patterns

  • Why is sleep important and are we getting enough 
  • What happens when we don’t get enough sleep  
  • Anxiety and how it can affect sleep  
  • Preparing for sleep  
  • Techniques to improve sleep /sleep hygiene 

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Course name: Connection/Loneliness 

For: All Staff 

An introduction to isolation and loneliness. Its effects and how to address the challenges of reconnection.

  • What is the difference between loneliness and isolation 
  • How does it make us feel and behave, and what are the consequences? 
  • Who does it impact? 
  • How can we improve our situation?  How do we reconnect? 
  • Signposting to combat loneliness and isolation

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Course name: General Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness

For: All Staff or volunteers

A short introduction to mental health and wellbeing. What influences it and what can be done to promote better mental health and wellbeing in self and others

  • What is mental health (including the mental health continuum)​ 
  • Why Care?​ 
  • Why don’t we talk about Mental Health?​ 
  • Common mental health problems – how to spot someone may be experiencing poor mental health ​ 
  • Supporting someone ​experiencing poor mental health ​ 

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Course name: Anger

For: All Staff or volunteers

A brief introduction to anger, how it affects us, and strategies to help us better manage the symptoms and regain control.

  • What is anger and how does it affect the body?
  • What may cause us to feel angry?
  • Quick control and Anger calming techniques
  • Assertive Communication and ‘Saying No’
  • Combating Rumination

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Course name: Healthy Relationships

For: All Staff or volunteers

An introduction into building healthy relationships, looking at what factors contribute to building a healthy relationship and discussing different communication styles.

  • Different types of Relationships
  • What makes a relationship ‘healthy’?
  • Communication Styles
  • Assertive Communication
  • Tips to building and maintaining Healthy Relationships

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Course name: Grief and Loss 

For: All Staff or volunteers

An introduction to Grief and Loss, understanding the process and looking at ways to manage our wellbeing

  • What is Grief?
  • Different types of Grief
  • What does Grief look like/symptoms
  • The Grief Process
  • Looking after your wellbeing during the Grief process
  • Signposting to support

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Course name: Stress Management

For: All Staff or volunteers

An introduction into stress, looking at the causes and effects, and discussing ways to manage the symptoms and prioritise our wellbeing.

  • What is Stress?
  • What causes Stress?
  • How we recognise we are under too much stress
  • Impacts of stress on the body
  • Techniques to manage stress

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Course name: Assertiveness 

For: All Staff or volunteers

An introduction into Assertiveness, looking at different communication styles and the benefits of assertive communication.

  • What is Assertiveness?
  • Benefits of assertive communication
  • Assertive communication techniques
  • Drama Triangle vs Winners Triangle
  • Responding to criticism and compliments

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Course name: Food and Mood

For: All Staff

An introduction into how our food choices impact upon our mood, and how our mood impacts upon our food choices, looking at ways to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle to look after our physical and mental wellbeing.

  • The benefits of a healthy balanced lifestyle
  • How our mood impacts upon our food choices
  • The impact of food choices upon our mood
  • Foods to avoid & foods that are beneficial
  • Tips for leading a healthy balanced lifestyle

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Course name: Mindfulness

For: All Staff or volunteers

An introduction into Mindfulness, looking at the benefits and discussing how we can implement mindfulness into our everyday lives to reduce stress, anxiety and improve our overall physical and mental wellbeing.

  • What is Mindfulness?
  • Benefits of Mindfulness
  • What is Autopilot?
  • Mindfulness Exercises

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Course name: Building Self Esteem

For: All Staff

An introduction into Self Esteem, its causes and effects, and how we can increase our self-worth to build confidence.

  • What is self-esteem?
  • How our self-esteem impacts upon our thoughts, feelings and behaviours
  • What influences our self-esteem?
  • Challenging negative thoughts
  • Techniques to increase self-esteem and self-worth

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Course name: Anxiety Management

For: All Staff

An introduction into Anxiety, looking at its causes and effects, and discussing techniques to manage the symptoms of anxiety.

  • What is Anxiety?
  • How we may think, feel and behave when we are feeling anxious
  • What causes Anxiety?
  • Techniques to manage the causes and symptoms of Anxiety

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Course name: Understanding Depression

For: All Staff

An introduction into Depression, looking at its causes and effects, and discussing techniques to manage the symptoms of depression.

  • What is Depression?
  • How may we think, feel and behave when we are feeling depressed
  • Causes of Depression
  • Techniques to manage the causes and symptoms of Depression

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Course name: Coping during a Pandemic

For: All Staff

  • Dealing with uncertainty and rapid change
  • Managing our expectations to feel more in control
  • Practical solutions for coping with isolation
  • Maintaining healthy relationships and connecting with others during restrictions
  • Boosting resilience in times of change
  • How to create your own Stress Busters to manage how you feel

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Course name: Returning to Work Post Pandemic

For: All Staff

  • What is mental health – we all have it​?
  • How have Covid 19 and pandemic conditions impacted our mental wellbeing?
  • Returning to work – how does this make you feel?​
  • What can we do for ourselves and others​?
  • What support is available?​

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Course name: Understanding Trauma

For: All Staff

An introduction into Trauma, exploring the causes and effects, and gaining an insight into working in a Trauma informed way. 

  • What is Trauma?
  • An awareness of how trauma impacts on behaviours and life choices
  • Increased awareness of trauma and triggers
  • Increased awareness of neuroscience research in relation to trauma
  • Increased awareness of the principles and practices of trauma informed approaches

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Course name: Stress and Time Management

For: All Staff or volunteers

A short introductory session into stress management, working through some tips and techniques on how to manage and prioritise our own time. 

  • The link between stress and time management 
  • The causes of stress and the affect stress can have on us
  • Time management theories and techniques,
  • How these can be used to maximise your time

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Course name: Menopause in the workplace

For: All Staff or volunteers

A introductory course to allow learners to understand various aspects of menopause, its impact in the workplace and to help gain a deeper understanding.

  • An introduction to the Menopause – What is it?  What are our perceptions?
  • How does it affect our Physical and Mental Wellbeing
  • Exercise around signs and Symptoms
  • How a workplace can support a woman during menopause
  • Practical self-help tips and techniques
  • Mindfulness
  • Navigating conversations with your Doctor

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Accreditations & Awards

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