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World Suicide Prevention Day

This week, on Thursday 10th September, it is World Suicide Prevention Day. 

Annually suicide is among the leading causes of death globally for people of all ages and is responsible for over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds. Every life lost is a partner, child, parent, friend or colleague.

Additionally, for each suicide there are people who suffer intense grief or are otherwise affected by the loss of someone to suicide. 

You can make a difference, you can raise awareness, educate yourself and others about the causes of suicide and warning signs for suicide, show compassion and care for those who are in distress in your community, question the stigma associated with suicide, suicidal behaviour and mental health problems and share your own experiences.

If you would like to find out more we deliver training courses on starting conversations, mental health first aid and other skills. Or if you would like to access support for yourself or find out more for a friend/ family member/ colleague, please search our website.

What to do if you are having suicidal thoughts

Help and support is available, you do not have to suffer alone. Talk to someone you trust. This could be a family member or your friends. You can talk to your GP or phone a helpline.

If you are worried about someone else, try to talk to them, just listening to what someone has to say can be helpful.

Creating a safety plan is also something you can do if you or someone you are supporting has suicidal thoughts.

Our resources and links can help generate awareness, break the silence and educate. We have bought together resources to help make sense of the support available and support you in taking action to prevent suicide and improve the mental health of your friends, family, yourself.

A list of resources is available below and on our Facebook page.

Signposting to resources and support

Hampshire Young People’s crisis line – freephone 0300 303 1590 (Mondays to Thursdays, 3:00pm- 8:30pm)

Samaritans – freephone 116 123

Childline – freephone 0800 1111

Our Adults’ Safe Haven 

Our Young People’s Safe Haven

Zero Suicide Alliance with free training

Havant and East Hants Mind Connect 5 Training  FREE

If you’d like to know more about the training see Connect 5, or for a list of available dates you can book onto a course via our Eventbrite page.

Stop Suicide Campaign

Find out more about the statistics around suicide by visiting the Samaritans

Posted on: 9th September 2020

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