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Blue Monday

Today is ‘Blue Monday’. But what is it, and is it even real?

‘Blue Monday’ can contribute and feed into the damaging misconceptions about depression and at times even trivialise an illness that can be life threatening.

1 in 4 people experience a mental health struggle at any one time, and being more specific 1 in 6 people will experience depression during their life.

Depression can be extremely debilitating with common symptoms including inability to sleep, seeing no/ little point in life, feeling disconnected and potentially experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Currently there is no recognised/ accredited evidence concluding that any one day in particular can increase the risk of people feeling depressed.

There are certain things that may make people feel down at this time of year, such as: financial strains, resolutions, bad weather and shorter daylight hours. However, depression is not just a one day event.

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Posted on: 20th January 2020

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